Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Well, I know very well you are expecting what I wanna say about the violence in Damascus against several embassies. And here we go... First of all, I would like to say it was stupid to publish those cartoons. I cannot understand the goal of that nonsense action. I have only an explanation about that, probably those journalists are very unducated and very uncultured people, there is not another answer.

We (occidentals I mean) should understand the arabic culture, to understand what is happening. In many countries cannot understand it, but I have an example, l isten: Do you remember in Spain during Inquisicion age? people were burned just because they didn't believe in God, or they liked reading, so why now we cannot understand the reaction of islamic world?, this people need more than sixty years to change their mind. During the civil war in spain churches were burned, and more crimes were done, so we should try to understand the islamic world because our history is full of that kind of examples.

What happened in Damascus??, it is very simple, I think the Government allowed the demostration and thought to have everything under control. Unfortunately, there were people who wanted create troubles, and they did. I saw how the police tried to do something but they were insufficients, they didn't expected that violence.

Of course, Syrian government is responsible. But is very important to make a difference, is not de same if syrian government was involved organizating the demostrations or simply they couldn't control it. Is not the same. From my point of view, they couldn't control de situation because there were a lot of infiltrators who wanted show to the Government that they have power on the streets ( this is very dangerous).

Here everything is under control and I don't think will happen again. , syrians are not like those images on tv that you watched. Here people are still kind and warm.